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  • Aceves jr., Christopher

Resident Costume Designer


  • 康考迪亚大学欧文分校-欧文,CA,戏剧设计学士学位


克里斯托弗是康考迪亚大学欧文分校戏剧系的2022届毕业生. He now guides and assists students in the theatre department as the Assistant Technical Director and Resident Costume Designer. 他获得了2021年国家和2021年地区 肯尼迪中心美国大学剧院 他的作品获得了服装设计奖 Endgame以及美国戏剧服装设计奖国家合作伙伴奖. In 2023, Christopher also received an Honorable mention award for theatrical design excellence in costume design for Concordia’s New Works Festival II.

克里斯托弗的服装设计学分包括 艾玛,《亚洲体育博彩平台》,《博彩平台推荐》!《亚洲体育博彩平台》《玩偶之家. 2, Godspell, Eurydice, New Works Festival, New Works Festival II, Endgame, Every Brilliant Thing, 设计作品-生活的游戏, Perspective, This Side of Heaven, and Failure: A Love Story.



  • 查普曼大学道奇电影与媒体艺术学院,硕士.F.A. in Film Directing
  • 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,B.A. in Film Studies

Professional Experience

Andrew has 31 years of production experience from corporate/commercial to feature film and live television including.

  • 美国广播公司对迈克尔·杰克逊和奥普拉·温弗瑞在梦幻庄园的现场采访. (1992)
  • Warner Bros. 詹妮弗·洛佩兹和爱德华·詹姆斯·奥尔莫斯主演的故事片《赛琳娜》.(1996)
  • Andrew shot video in over 9 different countries including: Morocco, Jordan, Israel and Fiji.
  • 2001- 2002年,安德鲁获得三次Telly企业制作奖。
  • 作为节目制作人,采访了安吉拉·巴塞特和考特尼·B. Vance (2007)
  • 导演了一部儿童故事片《博彩平台推荐》(2014)
  • 安德鲁的短片《博彩平台推荐》赢得了10个奖项和众多提名,包括. Winner of the Mexican American Film and Television Festival - Illustrious Award: Best Director (2022)


安德鲁·古铁雷斯教授电影史、电影制作和创意媒体课程. He has 31 years of video and film production experience but he began in theatre at El Teatro Campesino (The Farmworkers Theater) under the direction of Luis Valdez (director of La Bamba and Zoot Suit). Luis introduced Andrew to executive producer Moctesuma Esparza who brought Andrew onto the film Selena. 安德鲁一步步从生产助理升为生产协调员, 制作经理致编辑, 片段制片人到导演. Having worked his way through every step of the production ladder provides him with a unique perspective which he provides to his students at Concordia. 

“对我来说,讲故事不仅仅是娱乐. 我们是讲故事的人,通过故事来教导、学习、告诫和成长. 我很幸运能够通过分享鼓舞人心的故事来感动人们的生活.” 

Andrew has always pursued his desire to share stories of an ordinary person in extraordinary circumstances through film, 电视和舞台,现在把这种追求和知识分享给下一代.

View his CV here.

Dance Instructor

Autumn Mortenson


    • 加州大学欧文分校舞蹈艺术硕士
    • 文学学士-戏剧和舞蹈,舞蹈重点=圣克拉拉大学



她在国内和国际上接受芭蕾舞训练, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Improvisation, Capoeira, and West African. Autumn has been teaching dance for more than twenty years for ages 2-adult in multiple studios and schools. She directed and chaired the Dance Department at Valley Christian High School’s Conservatory for 9 years in San Jose, California.

秋曾作为一名职业舞者巡回演出, choreographer, and teacher in Australia, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Ukraine, Venezuela, and throughout the U.S. 曾获圣克拉拉大学颁发的“艺术与学术成就奖”, 加州小姐的“才艺奖, UCI舞蹈硕士项目的全额奖学金, and was named in the “Who’s Who of America’s Teachers” for her work at Valley Christian High School in San Jose.

迄今为止,她已经编舞了300多部作品. 她的作品曾在纽约市舞蹈计划中展出, 洛杉矶舞蹈邀请赛, Pasadena Dance Festival, UC Irvine, Concordia University, Fullerton College, Santa Clara University, 悉尼奥运会和残奥会上的“不只是金牌”,山谷基督教高中, Kings Academy, Leigh High School, 美国区域和国家比赛, 以及多个工作室的作品.




Peter Senkbeil是康考迪亚大学欧文分校的执行副校长, 他从1992年起就在戏剧系任教. 他导演了30多部完整剧本,其中包括 Songs for a New World, Falling, Till We Have Faces, 认真的重要性, The Cherry Orchard, Much Ado about Nothing, The Iraq War Project (also co-author), Paper Wings, Cabaret, and Working. 他最近的表演作品包括 Romeo and Juliet, The Comedy of Errors, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, The Hiding Place, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Shadowlands.

In 2004, Dr. Senkbeil获得了卓越教育奖 肯尼迪中心/美国大学戏剧节. Dr. Senkbeil是Ecumenica的编辑委员会成员, 表演艺术杂志, faith, and society. He is a member of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) and a founding member of Christians in Theatre Arts (CITA), an international arts networking organization; he served four terms on CITA’s board of directors. His doctoral dissertation is “Faith in Theatre: Professional Theatres Run by Christians in the United States and Canada and Their Strategies for Faith-Art Integration.他发表过关于基督教和艺术的文章并做过演讲, 他还为这本书写了关于艺术的章节 基督教大学的理念与实践:路德教会的方法 (康科迪亚出版社,2015). Dr. Senkbeil和他的家人都是St. 约翰的路德教会在加州奥兰治.


  • B.A. -传播与戏剧-康考迪亚大学,芝加哥
  • M.A. -戏剧-西北大学
  • Ph.D. -戏剧与戏剧-西北大学

Curriculum Vitae


Lori Siekmann


  • 斯伯丁大学,路易斯维尔,戏剧写作硕士,
  • 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,戏剧硕士,
  • 芝加哥康考迪亚大学,教育学学士,主修德语和传播/戏剧

Professional Experience

  • Assistant to the Director of Development, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Chicago, IL, 1989-1990
  • English and German teacher & director in co-curricular Theatre program, Sheboygan Lutheran High School, Sheboygan, WI, 1990-1992
  • 1994-2005年,芝加哥康考迪亚大学传播/戏剧系助理教授
  • 2005年起就读于尔湾康考迪亚大学


Lori教授戏剧欣赏, acting, creative dramatics, 大四的顶点课程是关于如何成为一名戏剧专业人士的. 她是主要舞台作品的导演,也是戏剧系的主席.

洛莉是2015年的 肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节 (Region VIII) 优秀金质奖章. In addition, several shows Lori has directed have been awarded invitations to be performed in their entirety at the annual KCACTF Regional festival:

  • 2010, The Foolish Proposal - a show that she and a group of students wrote/improvised in the style of Commedia del’ Arte
  • 2012, The Cover of Life by R.T. Robinson
  • 2015, The Drowsy Chaperone Music & 歌词由丽莎·兰伯特/格雷格·莫里森,书由鲍勃·马丁/唐·麦凯勒
  • 2020, Xanadu 书由道格拉斯·卡特·比恩,音乐和歌词由杰夫·林恩和约翰·法拉

每年只邀请整个地区的前6-8个节目. 此外,她的制作 Still Life with Iris was invited to bring a scene to the KCACTF 2018 Regional Festival’s Evening of Invitational Scenes. 从数百个提交考虑的场景中,只有8、9个被选中.

作为一个剧作家,她的10分钟戏剧 Killing Bambi 是在迪拜的短+甜10分钟戏剧节上制作的, as well as part of LA’s Towne Street Theatre’s annual 10 minute play festival (both 2017) and at CUI (2020).

In July 2010, she served on the Mass Events Team for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s National Youth Gathering held at the Superdome in New Orleans. Lori directed The Network, a drama performed in short segments each night of the gathering in front of 25,000 attendees. In 2013 she returned again to direct for the Mass Events Team at the National Youth Gathering at the Alamo Dome in San Antonio, TX.

其他受欢迎的导演作品包括: All Shook Up, Two Rooms, Footloose, A Year with Frog and Toad, Godspell, Love Letters, The Good Doctor, The Crucible, Brighton Beach Memoirs, Kindertransport, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, The Velveteen Rabbit, and Rumplestiltskin.

洛里曾在社区剧院和夏季演出中演出. 最喜欢的角色包括 The Glass Menagerie (Amanda), Into the Woods (The Baker’s Wife), Barefoot in the Park (科里),美国海岸剧院的作品 The Hiding Place (各种角色)和崔的制作 Pride and Prejudice (Mrs. Bennet).

在她到达康考迪亚大学欧文分校之前, 洛里在芝加哥康考迪亚大学教授和指导了11年, 艺术/传播/戏剧系.



  • 伊利诺伊州立大学,风景设计硕士,指导老师:John C. Stark
  • 威斯康辛路德学院-密尔沃基,威斯康辛州,戏剧和艺术学士
  • 技术实习生- Alley Stage Theatre, Mineral Point, WI

Teaching Experience

  • 2014-15 -技术总监和讲师-拉辛草原高中-拉辛,WI
  • 2013-14 -研究生助教奖学金-伊利诺伊州立大学师范分校


Andrew brings a wealth of experience and education to his work at Concordia where he teaches courses in stagecraft, scenic design, 灯光和声音设计. He mentors students in the design and technical production emphasis and oversees all student designers in his role as technical director. 在2023年,他获得了卓越教育奖 肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节.

Andrew’s work as a scenic designer and charge artist includes professional summer stock at the Monomoy Theatre in Chatham, 他在马萨诸塞州的功绩包括: The Man Who Came To Dinner, Twelfth Night, Death Trap, Kiss Me Kate, Shakespeare in Hollywood, She Loves Me, 奇怪的一对,然后没有了, 乔治·华盛顿曾在此过夜, Henry IV, 《最后的红火恋人, and 1776 as well as Arsenic and Old Lace 日落剧场,还有 比利·莎士比亚的神奇心灵 伊利诺斯州莎士比亚节. 他曾担任日落剧场制作的技术总监, 伊利诺斯州莎士比亚节, 和伊利诺斯州立大学.

安德鲁在大学里也做过大量的设计. 在威斯康辛路德学院,他设计 湾景大道,岩城,最后一班去尼布罗克的火车, and Curse of an Aching Heart. 在伊利诺斯州立大学,他设计 伯里克利,春之觉醒,失落的美洲人的故事,噪音, and Cloud Nine.

就在来康科迪亚之前, Andrew taught and served as the technical director and instructor at Racine Prairie High School where he designed, 绘制并担任技术总监的制作 Pippin, and Dead Man Walking.

Prof. sierzyn的专业设计作品

Adjunct Instructor

Susanna Vaughn


  • M.F.A. 音乐剧-圣地亚哥州立大学
  • B.A. 戏剧艺术-阿苏萨太平洋大学


苏珊娜·沃恩是一位演员、导演、编舞和教育家. 她曾在西部音乐剧剧院担任专业演出, The Old Globe, San Diego Musical Theatre, and Moonlight Amphitheatre, among others. 在圣地亚哥州立大学, she taught Acting, Musical Theatre History, 并担任音乐剧舞蹈的客座讲师. 她曾在阿苏萨文艺复兴剧院的董事会任职三年, a grassroots community arts organization that provided arts education to low-income students and focused on telling community stories. 她曾在纽约百老汇的STEPS接受舞蹈训练, 纽约演员计划的小品喜剧, 还有莎士比亚在帕萨迪纳的《内心的噪音. 她是音乐剧教育工作者联盟的成员和公平会员候选人. She also serves as an adjunct professor of musical theatre at Fullerton College and directs and choreographs at local high schools.

Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Theatre


  • 印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校,导演硕士,
  • University of Louisville, B.A. 英语和戏剧艺术; 
  • 伯明翰大学在英国埃文河畔斯特拉特福举办的夏季莎士比亚课程

Professional Experience

  • 1992-1998年,伊利诺伊州河森林康考迪亚大学兼职讲师
  • 1998-2000年,伊利诺伊州森林公园圆形剧院联合艺术总监
  • 艺术总监,西泉剧院,西泉,伊利诺伊州1998-2004年
  • 制作艺术总监,新美国剧院,洛克福德,伊利诺伊州2004-2006
  • 2007年起就读于康考迪亚大学


托尼为专业、社区和大学舞台执导了超过85部作品. 康科迪亚导演工作包括: 《变形记》《博彩平台推荐》《博彩平台推荐》《博彩平台推荐》 A Midsummer Night's Dream 以及他自己对这本书的改编 Ten Days in a Madhouse. 他是2011年诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者 肯尼迪中心/美国大学戏剧节 卓越教育奖.

Previously, 托尼是圆形剧院的联合艺术总监, a Chicago non-Equity professional theatre and artistic director of the Theatre of Western Springs, a large community theatre. 芝加哥地区的学分包括: 《博彩平台推荐》《博彩平台推荐》《亚洲体育博彩平台》 and American Buffalo. Later, he was producing artistic director of New American Theater (Equity SPT 7) where his credits included: 80天环游世界,糟糕的约会, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 在当地,他曾执导 Chance Theater.

Tony served as producing artistic director of Concordia's professional theatre Looseleaf Theatre Co. (公平,客座艺术家),他在那里执导 Twelfth Night, As You Like It, The Comedy of Errors, The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, and Two Gentlemen of Verona.

托尼的教学也包括旅行. 他是亚洲体育博彩平台的客座教授(2014年),然后是全职教授(2016年) Around the World semester -在10个国家教学和服务超过20周. In 2018 he served as a visiting professor of acting for the Huace Film Academy at the Zhejiang University of Media and Communications in Hangzhou, China.


Curriculum Vitae

See Prof. Vezner on Youtube

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